Promoting Sustainability in Industry and Logistics: The Role of Panapark Free Zone

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of environmental sustainability, it is crucial for industry and logistics to align with practices that minimize their environmental impact. In this regard, Panapark Free Zone stands as a benchmark in promoting sustainable practices, fostering productive linkages, and adopting the circular economy.

Sustainable Practices in Industry and Logistics

Publications on sustainable practices in industry and logistics are essential today. From reducing carbon emissions to optimizing natural resources, these initiatives aim to drive more equitable and environmentally friendly economic development. At Panapark Free Zone, we are committed to promoting these practices among our partner companies, providing advice and support for the implementation of sustainable solutions.

Productive Linkages and Environmental Sustainability

Productive linkage, understood as the interconnection of companies in a value chain, plays a fundamental role in promoting environmental sustainability. By working collaboratively, companies can optimize resource use, reduce waste, and improve energy efficiency. At Panapark Free Zone, we encourage the establishment of productive linkage networks that integrate sustainable practices at every stage of the value chain.

Circular Economy and Panapark Free Zone

The circular economy is an economic model that aims to minimize waste and maximize resource use through reuse, recycling, and regeneration. At Panapark Free Zone, we are committed to promoting the circular economy among our partner companies. From implementing recycling programs to adopting innovative technologies, we work to create a business ecosystem that actively contributes to environmental sustainability.


To sum up, Panapark Free Zone positions itself as a leader in promoting sustainable practices in industry and logistics. Through fostering productive linkages and adopting the circular economy, we aim to drive economic development that respects the planet’s limits. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future!

Ensuring Safety in Industrial and Logistics Operations: A Priority at Panapark Free Zone

At Panapark Free Zone, safety is a cornerstone for the industrial and logistics operations of the companies established in our Free Zone. We recognize the importance of maintaining rigorous standards to protect our personnel, facilities, and our clients’ goods. In this article, we will explore practical tips for enhancing safety, analyze specific protocols in free trade zones and their impact on trade, and provide essential information on the measures necessary to meet international standards.

Tips for Improving Safety in Industrial and Logistics Operations

  • Training and Education: Personnel must be properly trained in safety procedures, from equipment handling to emergency response.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct periodic inspections of equipment, infrastructure, and procedures to identify potential risks and take preventive measures.
  • Use of Technology: Implement advanced security systems such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and access control to protect facilities and monitor suspicious activities.
  • Safety Culture: Foster a safety culture throughout the organization, where every employee understands their role in preventing accidents and promoting a safe working environment.

Analysis of Security Protocols in Free Trade Zones

Free trade zones require specific security protocols due to the nature of their operations and the presence of sensitive goods. At Panapark Free Zone, our protocols are designed to ensure the integrity of the supply chain and comply with international security standards.

Security Measures to Meet International Standards

Meeting international security standards is essential for maintaining competitiveness in the global market and ensuring customer trust. This may include implementing strict access controls, certifying facilities under recognized standards, and adopting risk management practices.

At Panapark Free Zone, we provide a safe and secure environment for all our clients. From personnel training to the implementation of advanced technologies, we are dedicated to ensuring safety every step of the way.

Everything You Need to Know About the Free Trade Zone Regime in Panama and the Benefits of Establishing in Panapark Free Zone

Panama, a country recognized for its dynamic economy and strategic position in international trade, has strongly committed to the development of free trade zones as part of its strategy to attract foreign investment and promote international trade. In this context, Panapark Free Zone emerges as a key player, offering a solid platform for companies wishing to establish themselves in the region. But what exactly is the free trade zone regime in Panama, and how does it work? In this article, we will explore this topic in detail, as well as the benefits that Panapark Free Zone provides to companies choosing to operate under this regime.

What is the Free Trade Zone Regime in Panama?

The free trade zone regime in Panama is a system designed to promote foreign investment and international trade by offering a series of tax incentives and operational facilities to companies that choose to establish themselves in areas designated as free trade zones. These zones are subject to special regulations that allow them to operate with a high degree of autonomy and flexibility, aiming to foster competitiveness and economic growth.

How is the Free Trade Zone Regime in Panama Composed?

The free trade zone regime in Panama consists of a series of laws and regulations that establish the legal and operational frameworks for the functioning of these zones. Some of the key elements of this regime include:

  • Law 32 of April 5, 2011: This law establishes the legal framework for the creation and operation of free trade zones in Panama, as well as the tax and customs incentives applicable to companies operating in these zones.
  • Free Trade Zones Regulation under Executive Decree No. 62 of April 11, 2017: This regulation details the requirements and procedures for the creation and operation of free trade zones, including aspects related to infrastructure, company registration, and tax and customs obligations.


Panapark Free Zone: Compliance and Benefits for Companies

Panapark Free Zone, located in the province of Panama, is a clear example of how free trade zones in the country offer a conducive environment for the establishment and growth of international companies. Operating under the free trade zone regime, Panapark Free Zone complies with all the regulations established by Law 32 of 2011 and the Free Trade Zones Regulation, thus guaranteeing a safe and transparent environment for the companies operating there.

Benefits of Establishing in Panapark Free Zone through the Free Trade Zone Regime:

  • Tax Incentives: Companies operating in Panapark Free Zone under the free trade zone regime enjoy a series of tax incentives, including exemptions from income tax, import and export taxes, as well as additional benefits for investment in research and development.
  • Operational Facilities: Panapark Free Zone offers first-class infrastructure and support services for business operations, including modern facilities, comprehensive logistics services, and access to a highly qualified workforce.
  • Access to International Markets: Thanks to its strategic location and existing trade agreements, companies established in Panapark Free Zone have privileged access to key markets in Latin America, the Caribbean, and beyond.


The free trade zone regime in Panama, supported by initiatives like Panapark Free Zone, offers companies a solid platform to expand their operations and take advantage of growth opportunities in the region. With tax incentives, operational facilities, and access to international markets, Panapark Free Zone positions itself as a strategic partner for companies looking to establish themselves in Panama and expand in the global market. In an increasingly competitive world, Panapark Free Zone plays a crucial role in driving economic development and attracting foreign investment to Panama.

Driving Logistics Efficiency: Keys to Success at Panapark Free Zone

At Panapark Free Zone, we are committed to excellence in logistics and international trade. In our continued effort to promote safe and efficient practices, as well as facilitate global trade, we are pleased to present a series of resources that address key aspects of logistics in free zones.


  1. Practical Guides for the Safe Movement of Cargo and Certifications:

Safe cargo movement is essential to ensure efficient operations and meet international standards. Our practical guides offer detailed information on cargo handling processes, supply chain security, and compliance with certifications such as AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) and BASC (Business Alliance for Secure Commerce). Our practical guides offer detailed information on cargo handling processes, supply chain security, and compliance with certifications such as AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) and BASC (Business Alliance for Secure Commerce). These certifications are recognized worldwide and demonstrate our commitment to safety and integrity at all stages of the logistics chain.


  1. Importance of Logistics Connectivity in International Trade:

In an increasingly interconnected world, logistics connectivity plays a crucial role in the success of international trade. Our articles highlight the importance of having efficient infrastructure and systems that facilitate the fluid movement of goods nationally and internationally. At Panapark Free Zone, we work closely with our partners and authorities to ensure optimal logistics connectivity that drives economic and commercial growth.


  1. Tips to Optimize Logistics Processes in Free Zones:

Free zones offer important advantages in terms of simplification of customs procedures, tax incentives and logistical facilities. However, to take full advantage of these benefits, it is essential to optimize logistics processes. Our practical advice addresses topics such as inventory management, transportation coordination, and implementing innovative technologies to improve operational efficiency in free zone environments.


At Panapark Free Zone we are committed to providing resources and guidance to continually improve logistics processes at our facilities. From secure cargo handling to optimizing logistics connectivity, we are here to support our customers every step of the way to success in international trade. Join us on our journey towards logistics excellence!

The Clustering Strategy that drives the Transformation of the Panapark Free Trade Zone

Panapark Free Zone, the largest private free zone in Panama, has stood out on the business scene for its visionary approach in its clusterization strategy. This approach has transformed the way companies operate internally, promoting collaboration and synergy between like-minded companies. In this article, we will explore in detail how Panapark Free Zone leads this strategy.


Clusterization: Fostering Business Collaboration

Clustering is a strategy that seeks to bring together companies that operate in related sectors in a common space. This initiative encourages collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and resources, which translates into greater competitiveness for all companies involved. At Panapark Free Zone, clustering has proven to be a catalyst for growth and innovation.


Tangible Advantages of Clustering in Panapark Free Zone

The adoption of the clustering strategy in Panapark Free Zone has generated a series of palpable benefits, including:


: Proximity between like-minded companies stimulates innovation and the generation of joint solutions.


: Collaboration and resource sharing promote greater operational efficiency, which translates into competitive advantage.

Networking and Strategic Alliances:

Clustering facilitates the creation of networks of contacts and the establishment of strategic alliances, which can lead to fruitful business opportunities.

Attracting Investment:

Collaboration and innovation in the Panapark Free Zone attract the attention of investors interested in the potential of the companies that operate there.


An Example to Follow in the World of Free Zones

The clusterization strategy in Panapark Free Zone has not only benefited the companies within it, but has also established a model to follow in the world of free zones. Its commitment to collaboration, innovation and efficiency has been innovative in the development of a more dynamic and collaborative business environment.


Ultimately, the clusterization strategy in Panapark Free Zone has proven to be a game-changer in the way companies operate in the largest Private Free Zone in Panama. This initiative has driven collaboration, innovation and efficiency, which benefits all companies involved. With its visionary approach, Panapark Free Zone continues to lead the way and position itself as a reference model for companies seeking to strengthen their competitiveness and promote business collaboration in an environment of sustainable growth.

Panapark Free Zone & The Strategic Importance of it’s International Connectivity

In an increasingly interconnected world, a company’s location and its access to various forms of international connectivity have become critical factors for success in the global marketplace. Panapark Free Zone, is a Free Zone strategically located in the Republic of Panama, stands out for its exceptional geographical position and its ability to provide first-class air, sea and land connectivity to companies that choose to establish themselves in its premises. In this article, we will explore the importance of this comprehensive connectivity and how it benefits businesses in their quest for growth and competitiveness.


Panapark Free Zone Strategic Location

The Republic of Panama is a country in Central America that unites North and South America, and separates two oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific. This unique geographical location gives it a fundamental role as a global logistics and transportation center. Within Panama, Panapark Free Zone is located in a privileged position, near the Panama Canal and just 6 km from Tocumen International Airport, making it a strategic access point for companies seeking to connect with global markets.


World Class Air Connectivity

Tocumen International Airport, located just minutes from Panapark Free Zone, is the largest and busiest airport in Central and South America. This world-class airport infrastructure offers direct connections to more than 90 destinations in the Americas, Europe and Asia. For companies operating in Panapark, this means fast and efficient access to global markets through an extensive network of air routes with destinations such as:


Access to Vital Maritime Routes

+7. 3 million TEU per year and access to 1,700 ports in the world, Mobilizes 6% of global maritime trade, 5 of the 10 ports in the region are in Panama.

Panama brings all the markets of the American continent closer by air in just a few hours and by sea between 1-7 days.

The Panama Canal is one of the most important maritime transport arteries in the world. Panapark Free Zone is located a short distance from the Canal, making it easy to transport goods through this crucial thoroughfare. Additionally, 39.4 km from the Port of Balboa and 92.4 km from the Port of Cristobal, located near Panapark, they offer first-class maritime connectivity, allowing companies to import and export products efficiently and competitively.


Connection through telecommunications

Connectivity through 7 submarine fiber optic cables

  • 100% regional traffic
  • 97% of international voice traffic
  • 90% electronic data transmission
  • Virtually unlimited bandwidth


Road Network and Land Connections

Land connectivity is equally essential for businesses seeking to operate efficiently in the global marketplace. Panapark Free Zone benefits from a modern and well-maintained road network connecting to the region’s main land corridors. This facilitates the transportation of goods to neighboring countries, reaching Mexico, and access to important land transportation routes that cross Central America.


Wide Network of commercial exchange agreements

  • 20 commercial exchange agreements that reach 60 countries
  • 3 Billion Access to a Consumer Market
  • +$29,000 Purchasing power per capita


Competitive Advantages for Companies in Panapark Free Zone

The international air, sea and land connectivity offered by Panapark Free Zone provides significant competitive advantages to companies that establish themselves in its area. Some of the key benefits include:


Reduction of Multimodal Logistics Costs

Efficient access to multiple forms of international transportation allows companies to reduce logistics costs and accelerate product delivery time, improving customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the global market.


Market Expansion

The strategic location of Panapark Free Zone allows companies to access a wide range of international markets more quickly due to its proximity to those markets, which gives them the opportunity to expand their operations and increase their customer base.


Business Resilience

The diversification of transportation options and proximity to alternative routes increase the resilience of companies to possible interruptions in the flow of goods in international trade.

In short, the Multimodal air, sea and land connectivity offered by Panapark Free Zone is an invaluable asset for companies seeking to expand in the global market.

Panama’s strategic geographic location and first-class transportation infrastructure provide companies with a competitive advantage that allows them to reach distant markets, reduce logistics costs and strengthen their business resilience. In an increasingly interconnected and competitive world, Panapark Free Zone stands out as a strategic integrative ally for the growth and success of companies on the global stage.

Operational Growth in Free Zones: Panapark Free Zone, the Ideal Integrative Ally

Today, companies look for opportunities to grow efficiently and profitably. One of the most effective strategies in order to achieve this objective is to establish in free zones, because of their tax and operational advantages. These enclosures offer a series of tax and operational advantages to the companies that reside there. In this article, we will explore how operational growth for businesses in free zones has become an accessible reality thanks to Panapark Free Zone, an integrative partner that offers an enabling environment and a range of world-class services.


The Advantages of Operating in Free Zones

Free zones are areas designated by the governments of different countries to promote foreign investment and business expansion. These areas offer a number of significant benefits, including:

  • Fiscal benefits: Companies operating in free zones often enjoy a range of tax benefits, both on imports and exports, as well as significant reductions in corporate taxes and other tax-related benefits.
  • Logistics Facilities: Free zones are often strategically located near ports, airports and transportation networks, facilitating import and export logistics.
  • Access to International Markets: Location in a free zone can facilitate access to international markets, as many of these areas are close to key trade routes.
  • Operational Flexibility: Companies in free zones often enjoy greater flexibility in terms of labor and trade regulations, making operational management easier.


Panapark Free Zone: Your Integrative Ally for Operational Growth

Panapark Free Zone, strategically located in the Republic of Panama, is an outstanding example of a free zone that has evolved to become an ideal integrative ally for the operational growth of companies. Here are some reasons why Panapark stands out:

  • World Class Infrastructure: Panapark Free Zone offers world-class infrastructure including a modern industrial park, advanced warehousing facilities and well-equipped office spaces. This high-quality infrastructure allows companies to operate efficiently and comfortably.
  • International Connectivity: Panama, and specifically Panapark Free Zone, has exceptional international connectivity. With access to vital shipping routes through the Panama Canal, a nearby international airport and a well-developed road network, businesses in Panapark can trade effectively around the world.
  • Customized services: Panapark stands out for offering personalized services to companies that establish themselves in its free zone. This includes advisory and consulting services to help businesses make the most of the tax and operational benefits available.
  • Active Business Community: Panapark Free Zone is home to an active and diverse business community, providing opportunities for collaboration and networking. This interaction between companies can lead to additional synergies and growth opportunities.
  • Commitment to Sustainability: Panapark Free Zone has also demonstrated its commitment to sustainability through environmental and social initiatives that benefit businesses and the community at large.


To sum up, the operational growth of companies in free zones is a viable and effective strategy to expand their operations in the global market. Panapark Free Zone stands out as an ideal integrative partner that offers a combination of tax advantages, world-class infrastructure, international connectivity and personalized services.

If you are looking for an environment conducive to the growth of your company, Panapark Free Zone is the perfect choice to achieve your operational expansion goals.

Panapark Free Zone, the inaugural Private Free Trade Zone established in Panama.

Panapark Free Zone, the first Free Trade Zone in Panama to Boost your International Trade with Re-export Certificates from the country of origin.

In the dynamic world of international trade, it is essential to be aware of the strategies that can optimize your operations and maximize your profits. One of the fundamental pillars in this area is the Re-export Certificate, a powerful tool that can open new doors to your business and improve your competitive position.In this post, we will explore what a Re-export Certificate is, how it can benefit you and how Panapark Free Zone helps you in this process.

What is a Re-export Certificate? A Re-export Certificate is an official document issued by the customs authorities of a country that allows the departure of imported goods to another country without them being taxed with tariffs in the country of re-export. This is carried out under the regulations established by the country of access and in accordance with the country of origin of the goods.

Free Zones: Strengthening International Trade Free Zones are delimited geographic areas in which special customs and tax benefits are applied.These zones are designed to encourage foreign investment, job creation and the promotion of value-added economic activities. By operating in a Free Zone, companies can take advantage of tax exemptions, simplification of customs procedures and greater flexibility in their operations.

Impact and Benefits: Obtaining and proper use of Re-export Certificates from the country of origin can have a significant impact on your commercial operations.

Talk on Re-export Certificates: Recently, we had the pleasure of holding an enriching talk on the topic of Re-export Certificates. We had the participation of 14 Clients, who showed great interest in learning more about this tool and how they can take advantage of Customs Agency services to generate the necessary Re-export Certificates.

Link for more information about the re-export document:

Panapark Free Zone: A key driver for the global economy

In the context of a globalized economy, free zones have emerged as an effective economic strategy to attract foreign investment, stimulate international trade and foster economic growth.

One of the most notable examples is Panapark Free Zone, located in Panama, which has become a nerve center for international companies seeking to benefit from its competitive advantages. In this article, we will explore the global economy and the role of free zones, focusing on the specific case of Panapark Free Zone.


  1. The global economy and its evolution:

The global economy has experienced accelerated growth in recent decades due to the interconnection of markets and trade liberalization. Globalization has allowed companies to expand beyond their national borders and seek opportunities in foreign markets. However, it has also generated greater competition and the need to find competitive advantages to stand out in the global market.


  1. What are free zones and why are they important? 

Free zones are delimited geographical areas that offer a special tax and customs regime to promote foreign investment and economic activity. These areas provide benefits such as tax exemptions, reduced red tape, developed infrastructure, and access to skilled labor. Companies established in free zones can import raw materials and export finished products with favorable conditions, making them attractive destinations for international investors.


  1. Panapark Free Zone: A case of success in Panama: 

Panama has consolidated its position as an important logistics and financial center in Latin America. Panapark Free Zone, located in Panama City, is the largest and most prominent free zone in the country. It offers a strategic location near the Panama Canal, which facilitates international trade and the efficient distribution of goods. Alongside a modern infrastructure, high-quality services and a wide range of industries represented, from logistics and manufacturing to technology and services.


  1. Advantages of settling in Panapark Free Zone:

Companies that choose to establish themselves in the Panapark Free Zone can benefit from several advantages. Firstly, they have access to a favorable tax regime, which includes exemption from taxes on profits and dividends for a certain period. This significantly reduces operating costs and increases the profitability of companies. Also the area has flexible labor legislation and an available qualified workforce, which is attractive for companies seeking to optimize their production and reduce labor costs.


  1. Impact on the global economy:

The existence of free zones as Panapark Free Zone, has a significant impact on the global economy. These areas encourage foreign direct investment, generate local employment, promote technological development and promote the transfer of knowledge. By attracting international investments and companies, free zones contribute to the host country’s economic growth and integration into the global economy.


In the case of Panapark Free Zone, its strategic location in Panama allows it to connect with key markets in Latin America, North America and Europe. This not only boosts international trade, but also strengthens economic ties between different regions, encouraging collaboration and diversification of the economy.

Furthermore, the presence of companies in the free zone generates positive effects on the supply chain and logistics. By concentrating various economic activities in one place, synergies and economies of scale are created that benefit companies and consumers. Efficiency in supply chain management and the reduction of logistics costs are key factors that make Panapark Free Zone an attractive logistics hub for companies seeking to optimize their operations globally.

Another relevant aspect is the promotion of innovation and technological development in free zones. The presence of international companies with specialized knowledge and advanced technological capabilities drives the transfer of technology and knowledge to the host country. This not only improves the competitiveness of the local economy, but also has a positive impact on the global economy by encouraging innovation and the creation of new products and services.

Finally, it is important to highlight that free zones such as Panapark Free Zone contribute to the generation of local employment. By attracting investment and businesses, job opportunities are created for local people, which in turn reduces poverty and improves the living conditions of nearby communities. The employment generated ranges from direct positions in companies established in the free zone to indirect jobs in related sectors, such as transportation, services and tourism.

In an increasingly interconnected world, free zones play a crucial role in the global economy. Panapark Free Zone in Panama is a clear example of how these areas promote foreign investment, international trade and economic growth. Its strategic location, favorable tax regime, developed infrastructure and focus on innovation make it an attractive destination for international companies.

The existence of free zones such as Panapark Free Zone strengthens the global economy by promoting economic integration, knowledge transfer and job creation. These areas have become key drivers for sustainable economic development and competitiveness in the context of the globalized economy.

The importance of Free Zones for International Business

In an increasingly globalized world, companies are constantly looking for opportunities to expand and access new markets. In this context, Free Zones have emerged as a crucial tool to promote international trade and promote the competitiveness of companies at a global level. These areas, dedicated to attracting foreign investment and facilitating trade, offer a series of benefits and advantages that make them a key factor in the success of international business.

One of the main advantages of Free Zones is the reduction of trade and customs barriers. Companies operating in these areas benefit from tax, tariff and customs exemptions, allowing them to import and export goods more efficiently and at a lower cost. These tax and customs incentives allow companies to improve their competitiveness in international markets by reducing production costs and improving their profit margins.

One of the main advantages of Free Zones is the reduction of trade and customs barriers. Companies operating in these areas benefit from tax, tariff and customs exemptions, allowing them to import and export goods more efficiently and at a lower cost. These tax and customs incentives allow companies to improve their competitiveness in international markets by reducing production costs and improving their profit margins.

One of the main advantages of Free Zones is the reduction of trade and customs barriers. Companies operating in these areas benefit from tax, tariff and customs exemptions, allowing them to import and export goods more efficiently and at a lower cost. These tax and customs incentives allow companies to improve their competitiveness in international markets by reducing production costs and improving their profit margins.

In addition to tax and customs benefits, Free Zones offer a business environment conducive to foreign investment. These areas have a modern and developed infrastructure that includes industrial parks, logistics zones, storage areas and office spaces. This quality infrastructure provides companies with a solid foundation to carry out their business operations efficiently and effectively.

In addition to tax and customs benefits, Free Zones offer a business environment conducive to foreign investment. These areas have a modern and developed infrastructure that includes industrial parks, logistics zones, storage areas and office spaces. This quality infrastructure provides companies with a solid foundation to carry out their business operations efficiently and effectively.

Another relevant aspect of the Free Zones is the simplification of administrative and customs procedures. These areas are designed to streamline bureaucratic processes and reduce the administrative burden on companies. This translates into greater efficiency in the management of commercial operations, which in turn allows companies to save time and resources in carrying out procedures and focus on productive activities.

Free Trade Zones also promote job creation and technology transfer. By attracting foreign investment, these areas generate employment opportunities for the local population, contributing to the economic and social development of the region. Furthermore, companies established in Free Zones often have access to cutting-edge technologies and specialized knowledge, which promotes technology transfer and the strengthening of local capabilities.

The strategic location of many Free Zones is another important factor to take into account. These areas are usually located in strategic locations that offer access to regional and international markets. This facilitates the distribution of products and the expansion of businesses to new markets, which increases the competitiveness of companies.

In summary, Free Zones play a fundamental role in promoting international business. Its tax benefits, developed infrastructure, simplification of procedures, job creation and strategic location are just some of the factors that make them an attractive environment for companies seeking to expand globally. In an increasingly interconnected world, Panapark Free Zone, being the largest Private Free Zone in Panama, represents a unique opportunity for companies seeking to expand in the region and access cutting-edge technology. The promotion of business innovation and the implementation of advanced technology in production processes, combined with modern infrastructure and a strategic location, make Panapark Free Zone the ideal integrative ally for foreign investment.