The expansion of your company can be carried out in the largest Private Free Zone in Panama thanks to its varied benefits, flexibility, first-world infrastructure and highly qualified professional team to serve its clients. PANAPARK is the best strategic ally for companies, always aligned and integrated with the advantages that Panama offers as a multimodal bridge to facilitate the trade of countries since, thanks to its tax, customs, immigration, labor and financial advantages, it has positioned itself in the economy. worldwide through investment, always motivating technological, economic and social development.
It has been shown that customers are willing to pay for the differentiator of being in an environmentally friendly industrial park that also reduces its impact on the surrounding area, since this gives them the ability to compete with similar others in the market. same country or in the region, while allowing the evolution of the concept of sustainability.
Regarding the above, we can add that although Free Zones are defined as geographical areas delimited within a national territory where industrial activities of goods and services or commercial activities are carried out under special regulations on tax, customs and trade matters, externally, it is necessary to visualize much further and conceive of the Free Zones as intelligent cities or ‘Smart Cities’.
In Panama there is connectivity with the different markets in the region and the world thanks to its privileged location, it has a unique attraction for foreign investment.
There are a variety of industrial parks in the country located in strategic points, taking into account the ease of access to the main industrial and logistics infrastructures.
The Free Zones of the future must be efficient and technological, including topics such as: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Big Data, Industry 4.0, etc.
With all of the above, we can say that a Free Trade Zone must combine environmental actions (environmentally friendly, reduction of waste and resources), social (social responsibility) and economic actions (cost reduction through efficiency and that are economically viable), to achieve its positioning regionally and globally.
In this sense, Panapark is the largest Private Free Zone in Panama and has focused various efforts to include within its agenda making the necessary modifications to become more environmentally friendly, generating large open spaces so that it can operate The best way and being in the process of being a Free Zone 4.0, involves having all the necessary services that will boost your business, as well as focusing on the well-being of both the workers and the businesses that operate within this Free Zone.